Writing And Publishing Radio Show

Sandra Beckwith - Books in the Media



Join your host, Felice Gerwitz and her guest, Sandra Beckwith. Sandra Beckwith is a former national award-winning publicist who now teaches authors how to be their own book publicists. She works as a book marketing coach, publishes the free Build Book Buzz e-zine, teaches an e-course on book publicity and promotion, and offers educational products that help authors become more successful. - See more at: http://buildbookbuzz.com/press-room   Sandra Beckwith is a former national award-winning publicist who now teaches authors how to be their own book publicists. She works as a book marketing coach, publishes the free Build Book Buzz e-zine, teaches an e-course on book publicity and promotion, and offers educational products that help authors become more successful. - See more at: http://buildbookbuzz.com/press-room/#sthash.4jtzbswa.dpuf Sandra Beckwith is a former national award-winning publicist who now teaches authors how to be their own book publicists. She works as a book marketing coach, publishes the free