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How Future Millionaires Approach Their Jobs Differently



What distinguishes those who ultimately end up with more commas in their bank account from those who remain in the same cubicle? Mindset. Future millionaires approach their jobs very differently – they see working for someone else as an opportunity to learn about how they can become the boss themselves. They see each day as a lesson, in the front row of the classroom, to take away when they launch their own empire. View the full post and video here:   Summary:  Many of us start out our careers in the same place – working for someone else. But we can finish in any number of areas. What distinguishes those who ultimately end up with more commas in their bank account from those who remain in the same cubicle? Mindset. Future millionaires approach their jobs very differently – they see working for someone else as an opportunity to learn about how they can become the boss themselves. They see each day as a lesson, in the front row of the classroom, to take away when they launch their own empire.