Live Rich

Going Your Own Way



Create a plan and take the leap to financial independence.  View the full post and video here:  Summary: Fleetwood Mac was right – you can go your own way. The surest way to achieve prosperity and financial independence is to go your own way and start your own business. You’ll likely encounter plenty of naysayers along the way. Some will be voicing genuine concern for your wellbeing, while others’ motives may be more nefarious. But if you are going to carve your own path to financial freedom you will have to learn to deal with the naysayers and uncertainty that comes with it. There are some useful strategies to keep in mind that will help keep you focused, confident and unwavering as you strike out on your own and stride toward the future you want to create.  Find and build a network of support around you as you embark upon your new venture. Understanding that your loved ones and others may need time to understand and become adjusted to the change occurring in your life. You must al