Trinity Big Rapids

Sermon 07/17/16



Receiving Forgiveness: Our Part In Reconciliation 2 Chronicles 6 & 7 God offers "The Gold Standard of Forgiveness" to all, But not all are forgiven; ONLY those who respond by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ are forgiven, justified, and reconciled to God. THE RESPONSE to God's initiative includes our: --Humbling Ourselves --Repentance (Turning) ----With all our Heart and Mind --Acknowledgement of God's Name --Seeking God's Face --Prayer, Confessing Our Sin ----Marking Restitution, if possible --Pleading for Forgiveness ----Manifesting the Fruits of Repentance (God knows our hearts) NOT: The pride of saving face, making excuses, minimizing the damage done, merely sorrowful for the consequences, "Sorry you took it that way" ignoring the issues, pretending all is okay, avoiding the person afterward, just easing our guilty conscience, wanting to dig up the root of bitterness but without restoration of relationship, vague awkwardness but no direct request, talking charge but no visible fru