Trinity Big Rapids

Sermon 5/1/16



"Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures" Ministry is given to us... By God... For Others - Effective Ministry Requires That We: -Re-energize through the toil and suffering. --Rejoicing in our sufferings for others' sake. --Remembering we are filing up Christ's afflictions. --Re-energizing with Christ's energy. -Re-Calibrate to Christ and His Word --Re-calibrate our content: ---To make the word of God fully known. ---To glory in the mystery of God's work among the Gentiles. ---To seek to fully know Christ. --Re-calibrate our methods: ---To proclaim Him by warning everyone. ---To proclaim Him by teaching everyone. ---To proclaim Him in order to present everyone mature. --Re-calibrate our desired outcomes: ---To present everyone mature in Christ. ---To struggle to have hearts be encourage. ---To struggle to have believers knit together in love. ---To struggle to have believers reach all the riches of Christ.