Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

A Crystal Grid Recipe for Wellness



Crystal grids are an amazing and effective way to work with crystal energy. Plus, they’re absolutely stunning to look at! You can use grids to create positive energy flows, for protection and to enhance your manifestation practice. You can even create a crystal grid for wellness and health, which is what you’ll learn to create in today’s blog and podcast! This grid recipe for wellness is from my book, Crystals for Energy Healing, and can be used to energetically support your health and wellness. Creating Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Begin by gathering your supplies and making sure that all of your crystals have been cleansed.  Create an intention statement for your grid such as, “My physical body is healthy and well.”  Your intention may be general if you’d just like to focus on overall physical health. You may also get as specific as you like to your idea of wellness when crafting your intention statement. Your Crystal Grid for Wellness Supplies: One Emerald stone (or a green stone connected with wel