Military Mom Talk Radio

Linda Maloney, aviator and author, Sally Johnson, RN and quilter, music GI Girl



Linda Maloney, author of Military Fly Moms ~ Sharing Memories, Building Legacies, Inspiring Hope, a biographical collection of the inspiring true stories and photographs of seventy women who shared the same two dreams—becoming aviators in the military, and being moms. Maloney is a retired military aviator and officer and a recipient of numerous military awards. Sally Johnson, RN, talks of her labors of love making quilts for her VA hospital and Wounded Warriors. Dana Whitehead, manager for country singer Dani Vitany, talks of the inception of G.I. Girls - a salute to the women who serve in the military. The show started with Ann-Marie Miller, GS Leader, whose troop participated in making care packages for Moore Mart, an east coast non-profit distributor to military personnel overseas.