Wilde About Wellbeing

Think You're Stuck in A Job, A Relationship, A Situation, Life Itself? Here's Why You're Not...



YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN STUCK.   We’ve all said it, right, love? “I’m STUCK!” “I can’t do ANYTHING about XYZ!” “It’s so unfair!”   That used to be me ALL. THE. TIME.   The reason you FEEL stuck is simple: it’s down to your PERSPECTIVE.   You get to CHOOSE how to approach any situation. You get to CHOOSE whether to see yourself as INCAPABLE. You get to CHOOSE the steps to take to MOVE away from your current situation.   You are IN CONTROL.   In today’s podcast, I share my thoughts on this idea of ‘STUCKNESS’. I get how it feels - because I’ve been there, and share lots of examples from my own life.   I started ALLOWING myself to feel FREEDOM to be who I want to. I stopped LETTING MYSELF get caught up in feelings that I couldn’t move forward. I started TAKING choices that made me GROW.   I was never stuck, or nor were / are you. ⠀⁠⠀⁠   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE!   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @