Splintermind: The Dark Eldar Podcast

Splintermind Episode 20: Getting Freaky with the Freakshow



We are joined by Freakshow Tactica author Jimsolo from Thedarkcity.net forums for a discussion on running the ultimate leadership shenanigans using Dark Eldar, Craftworld Eldar, and Harlequins for maximum terror and profit! Also featured is an interview with Nick (AKAThe Burning Eye from the forum) talking about his Hero for a Day charity event this summer. More information for the event can be found here: \http://theburningeye.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/gaming-for-charitable-gain.html?m=1   A couple of announcements: Jim's audio signal was rough in a few spots, listen on and the audio does improve! As mentioned on the Facebook page, we are looking for one person from each country outside of the United States that left reviews with iTunes accounts registered outside of the United States to send us a list of people that left reviews. Simply message us with the user names only of those that left reviews and we will enter your name twice! As an added bonus, Brian will probably butcher your name on Splinter Raid Epis