Renegade Health Radio

Foods We Don't Eat Raw - Episode #32



Why maca should never be eaten in its raw state, despite the marketing of many super-food gurus. (at 10:31) Why raw/soaked/sprouted grains and beans can make you extremely sick. (at 13:03) When eating seaweed, raw or otherwise, may not be the best idea, and what to look for. (at 16:39) What's wrong with raw chocolate. Hear Fred's personal experience with a "raw chocolate" cake that turned into a disaster. You can always have your cake and eat it too, but sometimes it's better just to pass. (at 18:56) Why the food industry isn't infallible: how foods can still be contaminated and how to tell when they are. (at 20:02) Hear Kevin and Fred's side of the Cruciferous Vegetable Debate: why cruciferous veggies may not be quite as bad as some say, and why they still may be worth being conscious of when eating in larger amounts. (at 22:25)