Yogi Misfit Sessions

158 | Hello Shadow Self | Feat. Mia Togo



We call them stories. Or shadows. Sometimes even trauma. We give many names to our life experiences, the ones that have shaped us for the better or worse. Mine include a laundry list of drugs, alcohol and self-inflicted harm. I did most of that, because I truly believed I didn’t deserve any better. I felt that way for a long, long time until I decided to get to know my pain. My shadow and trauma work started in yoga. The practice gave me the container to feel safe enough to hold what was there. As a teacher, I never want to force a student into a pose or position they’re not comfortable or ready for, physically or emotionally. Holding space for all of that requires a certain kind of mindset!Mia Togo @miatogo and I have been in each other’s orbit and I finally caught up with her to chat and go deeper into the wide world of shadow work. She has a unique gift of creating a container, whether that be in person or in online environments where she helps people feel safe to go in and excavate what is going on inside