Reflections On The Road To Respect

Rely on Respect to Ignite Innovation



If you have had a chance to check out my web site lately, you might remember reading this on the home page. Bullying and harassment produce disconnected, fear based cultures where employees won’t speak up. And when employees are afraid to speak up, not only are costly problems going on unresolved, but innovative and creative ideas that will enhance your organizational effectiveness are being stifled.In Road to Respect, I talk about the fact that it is not the absence of disrespect in and of itself that creates superior business results. Rather it is the releasing of individual potential that a respectful workplace fosters that produces that outcome. Respectful, relationship based leadership creates an environment where people feel connected, where they want to contribute to their full potential and are empowered to do so.Last spring I was facilitating a respectful leadership session with a client with whom I have been working for the past couple of years. Given that Road to Respect leadership is relations