Reflections On The Road To Respect

Interview with Marni Johnson of North Shore Credit Union



As I discuss in Road to Respect, building a respectful workplace culture is not about adopting a paper strategy. It is about the willingness of those in leadership to really walk the talk, to take action to ensure that the policy serves as a foundation for a truly respectful, values driven culture. Apparently, that willingness is thriving among the leaders at NSCU. Michele had nothing but positive things to say about her experience working with North Shore Credit Union. Although she was not an employee, she was immediately welcomed and made to feel like part of the team.She described a workplace where employees were engaged and passionate, working together in a supportive environment, committed to producing superior results. To top it off she even used the word respectful to describe the workplace culture. I left that meeting elated. I love to hear stories of companies, particularly those I have worked with, that are getting respect right! Wow, I thought as I made my way back to the Canada Line, you s