Liberty Chronicles

Ep. 85: America Was Founded by Runaways and Renegades, Part 2



Part two of our discussion with Joseph Kelly is about how the whole first three years of Jamestown was basically the struggle of common laborers who discovered what the reality on the ground was and who tried to escape. Many of them did, by melting into the Native American population, others got caught, tortured, and made examples of for their fellows who didn’t make it out.How did the Virginia Company interact with the Native Americans? Who was John Smith? Was he a pirate king? Was Jamestown a slave-labor camp? Do we view the founding of America as truly a pilgrimage story?Further Reading:Marooned: Jamestown, Shipwreck, and a New History of America’s Origin, written by Joseph KellyThe Thanksgiving Story You’ve Probably Never Heard, written by Joseph KellyRelated Content:America was Founded by Runaways & Renegades, with Joseph Kelly, Part One: Liberty Chronicles PodcastSoul Liberty, Toleration, and the Emergence of Religious Freedom in the Colonies, written by Micheal RiegerThe Horrifying Lives of Early V