Gospel Life Church

Costly Mercy 11/13/2016



Why does AA need a higher power? Because in going through your Inventory its easy to get caught up in the fact that its all about you. When its all about you, you can get caught up in several traps: One, you can’t really face yourself and your life because if you did you would be overwhelmed with grief, with guilt, and with shame. You can spiral into self-doubt, and discouragement so much that its paralyzing. You get can get caught in the trap of self-pity. Two, you can get caught up in the trap of self-righteousness. As in, because its all about me, I am the standard by which I judge others and I focus on those who don’t live up to my standard. Self-righteousness says, “I’m in the right.” We judge others and we blame others. The result is we struggle to show mercy because no one deserves it. They haven’t sinned against God, they’ve sinned against me, so why should I have to show mercy, why should I have to forgive others. If you are self-absorbed, how could you ever absorb the failings of others? Why wo