Divine Renovation Podcast

Building The Right Teams w/Brent Dolfo



On our second last podcast of the season we’re joined by someone that's been integral in the development of our ministry. Church Consultant Brent Dolfo joins Dan O’Rourke, Father James Mallon, and Rob Currie to discuss how to help people move forward and survive the difficult and important path of parish renewal. Director of the Leadership, Brent worked with Father Mallon in the early days of Divine Renovation and his insight into building up leaders through teams was very important to the formation and growth of our ministry. We discuss how to build complimentary teams and give them the space to do their best. Brent offers some insight into some of the patterns he sees among pastors in the Catholic Church, how we can build on what works, and address what doesn’t. As a leader, pastor or otherwise, this is an excellent conversation for those looking to build great teams within their parish.