Dr. Kondrot's Healing The Eye Podcast

There Must Be Fifty Ways to Love Your Liver (Taking The “Weird” Out of Alternative Medicine!



I interview my good friend Ophthalmologist James McNair regarding his new book! There Must Be Fifty Ways to Love Your Liver (Taking The “Weird” Out of Alternative Medicine) By James R. McNair M.D. Find out some great info! Remember the eye and liver are connected. Join me for an interview with this great ophthalmologist! Mark your Calendar. Feb 15-16, 2020 for the Vision Event. FREE if you are an active or past Kondrot Program Patient! The event will include an update on traditional eye treatments including new medical and surgical approaches to eye disease. It will also include an update on the latest alternative treatments to help you restore your lost. The event will conclude with a special celebration dinner to honor you- all my special friends New! Workshops on different alternative treatments! We will cover microcurrent, homeopathy, light therapy and ozone Treatment! www.VisionEvent2020.com