Dr. Kondrot's Healing The Eye Podcast

Natural Glaucoma Cure | Healing The Eye



How can you reduce the pressure in your eyes as an effective and natural way of glaucoma cure? Stop the progression of permanent blindness and cure glaucoma naturally. Increase your knowledge about the factors that affect the optic nerve. In this article, we'll be sharing ideas for natural treatments for glaucoma. Natural Glaucoma Cure | Alternative Treatment for Glaucoma   In this article: Blood Pressure and Glaucoma Spinal Cord Fluid Glaucoma, Allergies, and Free Radicals Melatonin, Serotonin, and Ginkgo Biloba How to Improve Circulation for Glaucoma Treatment   Blood Pressure and Glaucoma Blood flow is a key factor in the development of glaucoma. It is the lack of blood flow to the optic nerve that tends to lead to glaucoma. Lesser blood flow means fewer nutrients and oxygen are being brought to the area. The lack of blood flow also makes it hard to determine blood pressure through monitoring. Patients with normal blood pressure can still lose their sight to glaucoma. A study found that slee