Dr. Kondrot's Healing The Eye Podcast

Embracing Vision Loss With Spiritual Insight



Reverend Linda Baldwin is my guest. When we have a disease, a problem with our body, or whatever problem we have, there’s always a lesson to be learned. When suffering vision loss, one of the first things you need to ask yourself is “What aren’t you seeing?” It’s always connected to what we’ve avoided or what we need to see. It’s much easier to do it when we at least recognize our spiritual being and how connected that spiritual being is to our maker. As a homeopathic doctor, one of the first things I try to uncover is disharmony in someone’s life or what stresses might be contributing to the visual loss. It is, to a certain extent, true. What is it that you don’t want to see? Join me as we explore the spiritual aspect of vision loss and how you can embrace this loss with spiritual insight.