School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#143 Total Transformation of a Life



While I was climbing a big peek in Ecuador with my wife we met a man who we quickly connected with. In just a few minutes he told us the short version of his life story and how he totally transformed his life. His story is packed with proven principles and practices for all of us to transform ourselves into who we can really become. You have the power and the potential to take your greatest weaknesses and your greatest struggles in transform them into strengths and power! There are a few things that each of us can do to really level up and become who you know you are capable of becoming. Listen to this episode and share it with someone you know who needs to hear it and be reminded of the power they have to become who they truly are. Who are you without all the external stuff, titles, achievements? What are the vices you have turned to? What are you using to buffer? What do you need to aim for to reach upward? What do you need in your life to propel you upward?