Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

How Radical Change Happens - Kate Schatz and Miriam Klein Stahl



Times like these call for radical ideas. But is being a radical a positive thing? And if so, why are so many radicals seen as dangerous? In the first episode of the new season of Inflection Point: RADICALS, we’ll define what it really means to be a radical, look at some of the lasting change radicals have made throughout our history, and examine how those ideas went from unthinkable to mainstream. I invited Rad Women book series’ creators Kate Schatz and Miriam Klein Stahl to talk about how to spot a radical, because if anyone knows what a radical looks like and what it takes to be one, it’s them. We’re celebrating our 4 year anniversary of elevating women’s voices! Support the production of Inflection Point by clicking this link here. Thanks!