Conversations With Natalie J (cwnj)




Welcome to CONVERSATION & OUR NEW HISTORY This is just an introduction to our Blog/Podcast. I feel the best place to start is at the beginning. We are in profound times... and we must find the hidden strength within to make sure we are ready and moving forward. The only way to do that is to remember who you are. This is the time to realize why you are and have been so very special. Imagine. There is a viral video coming out of the beautiful continent of Africa. Young people have put there country on the map Globally when nations have cancelled them as not work an education. I am not making this up... there are papers/pdf on the Internet where you can read about the lack of... Our focus is to do as these young people have the beauty of who we are... rise up and remember to smile and dance and laugh... When was the last time you laughed? The audio included is the first recording I have done within a two-year period. So it is dedicated to my special friend who transitioned at that time. She was my tr