Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast

Boost AI, and how AI is helping Norway's SR Bank Maintain their Customer Promise During Covid-19



SHOW NOTES Today we have two guests: Henry Iversen, Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder of (one of Norway's leading Natural Language Processing AI companies, and Ramtin Matin, Lead Technological Strategist at SpareBank 1 SR-Bank, one of Norway's oldest, and most respected, financial institutions. Specifically in today's episode we cover: The crucial role has had in helping SR Bank stay in contact with their customers, with zero wait time, even during the COVID-19 pandemic (when other companies force their customers to wait hours to speak with a customer service representative The difference stages of Artificial Intelligence, and how understanding this can guide your organization today, and in the future.The pretty surprising ease with which the Boost.AI solution can be deployed (Hint: It's way easier, and way less expensive, than you might think)We also get to learn how nice Norwegians are! (in case you didn't already know that) About Our Guests