Pat Perdue's Customer Experience Podcast

Bruce Simpson, co-founder of SwitchGear Consulting and Trusted Co-pilot for Large-scale Change: The Adoption / Innovation Paradox and How to Avoid It



SHOW NOTES One of the big challenges in Customer Experience is managing all of the changing initiatives that are simply a way of life among competitive companies today.  There is huge pressure at all levels of just about every organization to innovate.  Do something new. The pressure to constantly innovate has become business as usual.  With every department on the hook to be innovative, they end up tripping over each other and negatively impact the customer experience in unforeseen ways.   Our Guest, Bruce Simpson Our guest today, Bruce Simpson, knows a lot about helping companies manage the change that comes from a culture of constant innovation.  As partner and co-founder of SwitchGear Consulting, Bruce has spent the past 15 years as a trusted co-pilot for BIG change, helping leaders who are not only trying to change culture and elevate performance but have realized they need a make-over on how they work and even how their people think. In This Episode We Di