Wilde About Wellbeing

The Classical Elements and Why Their Balance Spells Survival For YOU and the World!



Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. The four elements have been a part of human understanding for centuries.   And we use every single one of them every day of our lives.   Just this morning, I’ve stood on earth, breathed in air, benefitted from the warmth of fire, and hydrated with water.   The Ancient Greeks believed all things came from one of the four elements, and that they were eternal and unchanging. The Sumerians, the Maya, the Babylonians, and many other cultures and religions believed the same.   You are made up of these elements, and they surround you. But what happens if they’re out of balance?   When they get out of balance in the world at large, we see Mass Extinction Events, sudden and dramatic events that caused the death of many different species at one point in time. Looking through the history of these, they are all related to one of the elements getting out of sync with the others.   Destructive fires. Deluges and floods (mentioned some 500 times in historical texts!). Earthquakes. Asteroid colli