Spencerville Church

The Book of Acts: The Devil's Distractions - Pr. Chad Stuart - April 17, 2021



Life in the modern world is full of distractions—something that keeps us from accomplishing our mission—from accomplishing the primary task at hand. Noted Georgetown professor and author, Cal Newport, cites studies in his latest book that the average white-collar worker accomplishes only 1 hour and 15 minutes of undistracted work in a given day. Distraction is unfortunately no less prevalent in the church. However, distraction within the church is not new. Acts 5 depicts a bevy of forces, instigated by the devil, to stop the spread of the gospel by distracting Jesus' disciples. How did they respond? How were they able to stand against these distractions? The answer to these questions may surprise you. Listen in as we continue to explore and study the book of Acts through a message from Pastor Chad Stuart titled, "The Devil's Distractions."