Spencerville Church

The Book of Acts: Disrupting the Glorious Progress - Pr. Chad Stuart - April 10, 2021



The story of Ananias and Sephira in the book of Acts can seem out of place at first glance. After all, the story sees God using instantaneous divine judgment again Ananias and Sephira for their bold-faced deceptions toward God and the young Chrisitan church. Although this tragic incident involves money, there's more to it. It's also about authority and our willingness to give God all authority in our lives, holding nothing back. Are we prepared to give ourselves in full and complete surrender to God? If you've ever questioned the Biblical accounts of God's divine judgment and considered them to run counter to a God of love and grace, this is a message you won't want to miss. Listen and worship with us as Pastor Chad Stuart as he shares the next message in our series from the Book of Acts titled "Disrupting the Glorious Progress."