Berks Nature and You!

Go play outside along the rivers and the creeks!



Tom Davidock from the partnership for the Delaware Estuary share the water journey with Tami Shimp of Berks Nature. Like the ankle bone is connected to the hip bone so are our waters connected. North of Kutztown the waters flow from the Saucony Creek into the Maidencreek and Schuylkill River. From there the water flows into the Delaware Bay, the Delaware River and ultimately into the Atlantic Ocean. Tom Davidock heads up SAN, or the Schuylkill Action Network, whose primary focus is the drinking water protection program. Tom says the goal is to “bring together anybody and everybody who has a vested interest in keeping the Schuylkill water clean”. Tom says it’s simple. Homeowners can use more environmentally safe products. Schools can plant a rain garden and businesses can make sure nothing is leaking from their dumpsters. You’ll find lots of ideas and projects at Tom says, “the reality is we can’t do it alone”. He encourages everyone to enjoy our waterways, kayak, fish an