City Of Light Anglican Churchaurora, Illinois

The Return of the Shepherd-King (Jeremiah 33:12-22) — Pastor Trevor McMaken



The Return of the Shepherd-King (33:12-26) “In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land.” SUMMARY: Jesus is a Shepherd-King after God’s heart, who has returned to fulfill all of the promises in Jeremiah. Under his rule, we can flourish and learn to lead in his way. DISCUSSION: What importance did the arrival of the Shepherd-King hold for the Israelites? What proof does God provide that he will keep his promise? What does the promise of the Davidic king tell you about the importance of righteous and just leadership? How does the New Testament show that Jesus fulfills this identity? How has the kingship of Jesus changed your life? How does his kingship change our response to the evils and crises of our time? PRAYER: Good Shepherd, in your infinite love you lead us besides still waters to restore our souls. Free us from the tyranny of fear and grant us the security of knowing that even when we pass through the valley of