City Of Light Anglican Churchaurora, Illinois

WK3: Union in Christ (2:1-10) — Pastor Trevor McMaken



Ephesians 2:1-10 1. We were dead in sin; but now we are alive in Christ 2. We were following the broken society; but now we are following a loving Father 3. We were enslaved by satan, but now we are adopted by God “To be in Christ is to be personally and vitally united to Christ, as branches are to the vine and members to the body, and thereby also to Christ’s people. For it is impossible to be part of the Body without being related to both the Head and the be a Christian is in essence to be ‘in Christ’, one with him and with his people.” Stott 22-23 God exists as three persons in loving union so deep they are one person. Division goes against the very nature of who God is—Father, Son, and Spirit. "I am in my father, and you in me, and I in you." John 14:20