The Chaarg Podcast

#74] Halle Miroglotta: Breathwork, Vedic Philosophy, + Creating A Yoga Practice At Home



Halle Miroglotta [@halleyoga], a yoga instructor + creator of the podcast: Home Practice With Halle shares her yoga journey, breathwork practices [she does a live guided breathwork for all of us in this episode!], + why she started her podcast. She also dives into Vedic Philosophy, so get your journals out ; ).Notes:-- Halle's Podcast-- Prana In, Prana Out -- Tara Brach's Meditations-- Book Recs: Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, The Complete Illustrated Book Of Yoga, The Surrender Experiment, The Untethered Soul-- Artist Recs: Mark McGuire, The Album Leaf, Luke Howard