Health Talk With The Stoners

050: Why We Have Limiting Beliefs & Overcoming Them!!



Why we have limiting beliefs and how to overcome them!!!We all want to overcome the barriers that are holding us back so that we can be the best versions of ourselves. When we master a goal or we win at something we are on top of the world but when we fail or limit ourselves, well, we feel like crap.Call it lack of motivation, insecurity or confidence. Whatever it may be we want YOU to know that you are not alone. These limiting beliefs happen to everyone but today instead of focusing on what is not working, let's focus on empowering ourselves with positive beliefs that will benefit every aspect of our lives from this day forward.We mentioned several techniques (The Sweep & Chakra Tapping) of breaking free of limiting beliefs and that link is HERE.If you want to take on this positive change and look to conquer limiting beliefs that you had with nutrition or fitness contact us at Mickayla Stoner Fitness, check out Mickayla's Successful Programing and make sure to never miss inspiration on Faceboo