Editor and Publisher Reports

80 Handling Content Corrections in a New Way



Paul Glader is an award-winning journalist, who spent 10 years as a staff writer for The Wall Street Journal with bylines for numerous publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post,TheNewYorker.com, The Indianapolis Star, The Associated Press, Der Spiegel Online, FastCompany.com, USA Today and ESPN.com. Today, Glader is an associate professor at The King's College in New York City; director of The McCandlish Phillips Journalism Institute; executive director of The Media Project, a global non-profit journalism training organization; and executive editor of its award-winning, nonprofit news outlet ReligionUnplugged.com. He is also founder of Vett Incorporated, a Knight Foundation-funded start-up. Vett Inc. has built a new tool called VettNews Cx that is “reimagining how modern newsrooms handle corrections.” It is now gaining a lot of traction with key industry partners including more than a dozen news organizations, Poynter.org, and the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA). In this