Editor and Publisher Reports

75 Studying the Impact of a Pandemic on Global Journalism



Damian Radcliffe is the Carolyn S. Chambers Professor in Journalism at University of Oregon and also a fellow of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University. However, most of us know Professor Radcliffe as the author of numerous studies that provide insight into the global journalism ecosystem. His latest study on the impact of COVID-19 on journalism was just released in conjunction with The Thomson Reuters Foundation. It reveals the pandemic’s impact on the personal safety and welfare of journalists,  the structure of newsrooms and disruption to business models and the proliferation of fake news, and surging threats to media freedom. The study also identifies best practice and innovative approaches that have been developed as a response to the challenges of COVID-19. In this segment of E&P Reports, publisher Mike Blinder chats with Radcliffe about his current findings from this study and what trends he is seeing in the other research projects he is currently working on. Related links: Mo