Editor and Publisher Reports

39 “Support Local News:” Inside Google’s $15 Million Local Ad Campaign



Google’s Support Local News campaign will begin running today in print and digital formats for the next six weeks across most local newspapers, TV, radio stations and online-only news outlets in the U.S. and Canada. Designed to help raise awareness about the need and importance of funding newsrooms, the campaign will direct people to visit the  Support Local News website, where they can easily subscribe, advertise or donate — including an option to donate to a fund that supports local investigative reporting in newsrooms across North America.  Working together to coordinate the campaign are the Local Media Consortium (LMC), Local Media Association (LMA) in partnership and the Google News Initiative. E&P publisher Mike Blinder chats with Nancy Lane, CEO of LMA, and Fran Wills, CEO of LMC, to learn more about the entire initiative, how the advertising dollars are being allocated and what the metrics are to gauge the success.