Who Shot Ya?

'Jojo Rabbit' and the Return of the Christmas Zaddy



This one's packed, you guys. The gang discusses the "anti-hate satire" Jojo Rabbit. They answer a question from the Who Shotline about dealing with problematic characters. Plus, it's the official return of the Christmas Zaddy himself, Alonso Duralde, in this year's inaugural entry of the 'Christmas Zaddy Christmas Movie Minute.' And, as always, staff picks. In news, the Game of Thrones showrunners are OUT at Lucasfilm, a sex scene gets cut from Booksmart, and Netflix is testing out variable playback speeds. Staff Picks: Ify - The Shabbos Goy and Doctor Sleep Drea - House on Haunted Hill Alonso - A Bread Factory With Ify Nwadiwe, Drea Clark, and Alonso Duralde. You can let us know what you think of Who Shot Ya? on Twitter or Facebook. Or email us at whoshotya@maximumfun.org Call us on the "Who Shotline" - WSY-803-1664 Produced by Casey O'Brien and Laura Swisher for MaximumFun.org.