

This week I”m giving you  7 gems of advice to monetise you from some of the successful, powerful, phenomenal women who are part of my first ever Monetise You Summit! If you haven’t got your tickets yet….sign up for free at the...Monetise You Summit: 10 Ways to $10K Months. It’s happening 25-27th May and it’s jam-packed with tips, advice, wisdom, knowledge and step-by-step action plans for you to start monetising yourself using what you already have!In this episode we uncover: ✅ How to put together coaching packages that people will buy, making your business scalable;✅ How monetising yourself can get you out of the day-to-day rat race, and give you the freedom you’re craving;✅ How to build up a podcast audience from scratch and how that audience will support your business when you’re ready;✅ That monetising yourself through a blog and growing your business is totally doable;✅ That if you create a solution people are after, that’s half the battle won;✅ How creating a book series is one of th