School Of Awesome Sauce With Greg Denning

#147 Choose To Be a Champion, Even In The Little Things.



Every day we have a choice. In fact we have many choice moments throughout the day. Choose to be a champion, or by default we can choose to be a chump. The champion chooses to do things in a great way, even the little things that seem not to matter much. By default when we choose to be the chump we cut corners, we cheat ourselves and others, we take the easy way, and of course we end up with mediocre results. This is true even in how we start our day and how we choose to feel at the beginning of our day and throughout the day independent of how we slept or what’s going on. Adopt the mindset and attitude of a champion. Refuse to acquiesce, to settle for less than your best. Set up your tool bag, get the training, and surround yourself with the team it will help you live like a champion, starting with the little things.