Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #173: The Tabor Saga



It sounds like a story from film or television. A man and wife go out west during the gold rush and end up becoming the richest couple in the west. Another, much younger, beauty enters the picture and the rich old man divorces his wife for the pretty young thing. They live an extravagant lifestyle – and then they lose everything. This is the story of the Tabors who made fortune in silver in the late 1880. I have the story on the 173rd episode of Sunday Morning Coffee with Jeff. Show notes and links: Colorado Experience: The Tabors – YouTube ( Baby DoeTabor – YouTube ( Horace Tabor – Wikipedia ( Home Page of Baby Doe Tabor & the DoeHEADS ( Rags, Riches & Scandal – The Tabor Triangle – Legends of America ( Baby Doe Tabor – Wikipedia ( Augusta Tabor – Wikipedia ( Historic Tales from Park County: Parked in the Past – Laura Van Dusen ( Silver queen, the fabulous story of Baby Doe Tabor –