Coffee With Jeff

Coffee With Jeff #143: Battle of Hampton Roads



Once upon a time, ships of war were made out of wood. Lumber was no match for cannonballs and explosive devices. Lumber broke easy, burned, and sent deadly splinters in all directions. During the American Civil War, two ships covered with iron, called ironclads, were built. They would meet and battled it out. Today we have the story of the Battle of Hampton Roads Show notes and links: Gordon’s Letter | Coffee With Jeff ( Battle of Hampton Roads – Wikipedia ( Battle of the Ironclads – Mar 09, 1862 ( Hampton Roads | Civil War Trust ( Battle Of Hampton Roads | HistoryNet ( Battle of Hampton Roads – Conservapedia ( The Monitor vs. The CSS Virginia (Merrimack) ( The Story of the First Battling Ironclads, the Monitor and the Merrimack by James L. Nelson ( Monitor Boys: The Crew of the Union’s First Ironclad – John V. Quarstein ( ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★