Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Healing Properties of Cinnabar: A Crystal for Prosperity & Abundance



Cinnabar is a vibrant red, trigonal crystal often appearing on a matrix of Calcite, Dolomite, Quartz, or Opal. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Cinnabar:"I open myself to the universe's natural flow of prosperity and abundance." Common Healing Properties of Cinnabar: Stimulates vitality Aids in manifesting prosperity and abundance Helps you reap the rewards of careful planning Increases motivation Promotes beauty (inside & out!) Enhances the energy in your environment or sacred space Opens and protects your grounding energy center Helps spice up your love life by promoting passion Cinnabar Associations & Correspondences Colors: Bright crimson red often in a matrix of white or off-white (appearing as flecks in tumbled stones) Associated Energy Centers: 1st (Root/Base) Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo Elements: Fire, Earth Companion Flowers: Clematis Companion Essential Oil: Clove Companion Stone: Shattuckite Common Origins: China, Germany No