Yarn In The City

Episode 40 - Retreat!



Shout outs, news and events: A huge shout out to Kathy from Handcrafted Holidays who we met up with in London ahead of her meeting a group of knitters and stitchers for a two week jaunt around the UK. 1st July - tickets for GLYC 2016 go on sale!!! Since recording the podcast some routes are already sold out so get your make sure to get your tickets soon! 2 July - Tour de Fleece starts! If you need some spinning company, come join Team Porpoise Fur on Ravelry. 16-17th July - Yarningham, a new show in Birmingham 16-17th July - Jyväskylä Summer Knit Festival, Jyväskylä, Finland 19th July - Make at the Movies charity film event at Odeon Cinema on Foregate Street in Worcester, to raise money for Target Ovarian Cancer and Mind. Show is at 10:45am and cost is £4. More details on their Facebook page. 30-31st July - Fibre East, Ampthill, Bedfordshire  What we’re working on Rachel's startitis continues as she's cast on the Superbulky Grandpa Cardigan by Joji Locatelli. She's still working on the test knit for Kettle Ya