Yarn In The City

Episode 31: Unravel-ed



We are back from Farnham, and are slowly recovering from the fantastic weekend that was Unravel! In this episode, we talk about the show, get a North American perspective on Unravel from Kate Atherley, and cover the usual news, events and current projects. Shout-Outs So many shout outs today! First up is a shout out to the lovely Sarah from Crafts from the Cwtch (go check out her blog now!). Sarah has written the first review of the London Craft Guide, and we are so glad she enjoyed the book! Another big shout out to Maylin who sent us a lovely note on Sunday about the book that really helped us power through the end of a very long weekend. Finally, thanks so much to everyone who came by the booth and looked at the book, checked out the yarn and shared it with their friends! We'd particularly like to thank Julie of Evie and Lily who came by throughout the weekend to keep us up to date on her Instagram efforts. Book news So, the book is launched, which means we are up to our eyeballs in fulfilment. A few loca