Yarn In The City

Episode 26: Counting Down to Christmas



We've had our last event of the year, the Bath Christmas Craft Crawl, which has inspired us to think about knitting gifts and gifts for knitters. News and Events The Bath Christmas Craft Crawl Recap! 5th December - Knit for Peace Knit-in at the Barbican 11th December - PPQ Christmas party   London Craft Guide Update Now with the designers, and looking at an end-of-2015 or very-early-2016 release date. Thank you all for your patience and our apologies about the continued delay! Important note: if you preordered the book at the Yarn in the City Pop Up Marketplace, please email us!!!   What we’re working on Rachel has almost finished two sets of fingerless mittens in Mind the Gap sport weight, and has decided (for the moment) that the other presents aren't due until just after Christmas, and can therefore wait. She is madly and obsessively working on Dark and Stormy by Thea Colman in SweetGeorgia Superwash Merino in Wasabi. Allison is making great progress on Grettir by Jared Flood, and is almost at yoke. She'