Yarn In The City

Episode 21: That's a Wrap!



What's going on: 8th September - 3rd October: Waste Nothing - Finding a Home for the Discarded, an exhibition by the London Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers happening at the crypt at St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square, London. 18-20th September - The Handmade Fair, Hampton Court Palace 26 September - Rachel is teaching Learn to Spin: Drop Spindle, and How to Knit a Sexy Sweater Part 1: Swatching at A Yarn Story in Bath - spaces still available! 26-27th September - Yarndale, Skipton Auction Mart, Yorkshire 26th September - 4th October - Shetland Wool Week 5th - 11th October - UK Wool Week. Also happening in Canada (17th-29th September), France (25 - 27 September), and The Netherlands (12 - 18th October). 5 - 11th October - Spinzilla! A tru 6th October - TwinSpin, a partnership between the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers and the Campaign For Wool. The London TwinSpin will be held at Royal Festival Hall foyer from 6:00 pm. Just look for the folks with the spinning wheels and/o