Yarn In The City

Episode 15: Merrily We Knitalong



A somewhat meandering and caffeinated podcast for you this time around. What's going on: 13th June - the tenth anniversary of World Wide Knit in Public Day! Check their website for events near you. 20th June - Brighton Knit and Make Social! Tickets are still available, so come join us! 26-27th June - Woolfest, Cockermouth, Cumbria 1st July - Tickets go on sale for the 2015 Great London Yarn Crawl and the Pop Up Marketplace. 25-26th July - Fibre-East, Ampthill, Bedfordshire Marketplace.   What we're working on: Allison has finished her test knit of Rachel's new cowl in Kettle Yarn Co Islington DK (color: Parapadschada, otherwise known as eye-searingly bright pink). She found the project bag containing her long-lost Mind the Gap socks, for which she's using Kate Atherley's Classic Toe-up Pattern. She also has grand intentions of getting back to the Skulls sweater (otherwise known as Robin) by Lina Olofsson, and has baby sweaters in mind for casting on soon. She's also finished the singles of her Rocky Mountain