Yarn In The City

Episode 14: Knitting is not a competition



What's going on (in brief): 30-31st May: Proper Woolley, Holsworthy, Devon. 20 June: the Brighton Knit and Make Social - come down to the beach with us for a day of hanging out and relaxing! 26-27 June: Woolfest, Cockermouth, Cumbria What we're working on: Rachel is frantically trying to finish a handspun sweater out of a combo spin from the Hello Yarn Fiber Club. She also got a bunch of spinning done on her spindle sweaterlot at the I Knit Fandango.  Allison is working on two test knits for Rachel - one is a cowl in the new Kettle Yarn Co Islington DK, and the other is Latticewing in handspun. She's also been spinning some Rocky Mountain Dyeworks roving in True Turquoise. Knitting is not a competition We were lucky enough to get a chance to chat with Karina Westermann about her recent blog posts (Part 1 and Part 2) on the question of: where is knitting going and are we in danger of having the crafting world become all about perfection that should be aspired to rather then projects that we enjoy. We hope yo