Yarn In The City

Episode 7: Love-fest



In which we are A) punchy, and B) 12 years old (and not necessarily in a good way)...What's going on:15-17th February: Craft Hobby + Stitch International in Birmingham20-22nd February: come join us at Unravel, in Farnham Maltings!28th February: Alli is doing a Soak demo at A Yarn Story in Bath.1 March: Bath Half Marathon!!!!! (send us good mojo and strong leg vibes please)5-8th March: the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia Central, London15-16th March: EYF, and the sure-to-be-amazing Ca-baa-ret!21st March: Rachel is teaching two classes at A Yarn Story: Drop Spindling and Beginnings and Endings. 26th March: Felicity Ford is coming to London to teach her Quotidian Colourwork Class with us at Homemade London. Get your tickets on the Events page! In the works:Rachel has had a major fail in her Insight Pullover, which she discusses at great length, but thankfully without tears (she also blogged about it). To consol