Stories From The Well

"The Heat" Las Vegas 2017



In the spring of 2017 we—Edmee, Jessica, and Bevelyn— headed to Las Vegas, (or as Bevelyn called it, Mr. Las Vegas because Vegas is so rough it has to be a man)! Edmee really had it in her heart to go to Planned Parenthood and speak with women about abortion, and unfortunately, Bevelyn has had three abortions and knows firsthand the struggles and the pain, so we googled the closest Planned Parenthood location and drove there. When we arrived, the parking lot was empty, but we knew it was open, so we just sat in the car, praying and seeking direction from the Holy Spirit—telling Him that we just wanted to stop at least one abortion that day; we wanted to speak to at least one woman. Eventually, a car pulled up and three people got out of the car; an older couple and a young girl, who looked to be no more than sixteen. The couple appeared to be Caucasian, and she looked Hispanic. We figured the couple was taking the girl to get an abortion. So a few minutes after they went into Planned Parenthood, we follow