The Chaarg Podcast

#5] Working With The Voice Inside Your Head



In the second episode of the Self-Love Series, Elisabeth + Sarah are diving into the *voice inside your head* + negative thought patterns that we all experience everyday -- where the negative thought patterns are rooted + tactics for quieting the voice. One of our favorite tactics is meditation, so we kicked off this podcast with a 5 minute meditation! : ) This is podcast goes in depth into terms//ideas we've written about in this blog post: Highly encourage you to check out the post before tuning in! Notes:— Insight Timer [free meditation app!]— The Untethered Soul— The Power Of Now— Figure That Shift Out By Chris McCalister— Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction [MBSR] Programs— Automatic Writing + 5 Steps To Write From Your Highest Self— Resources For Professional Help [Also look into your on-campus resources — most are FREE your first few sessions!]